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Nursery Wall Art Size Guide Essential Tips for Perfect Decor

How to Choose the Perfect Size Wall Art for Your Nursery

| Vera Gosic
Choosing the right size wall art for your nursery makes the space cozy and inviting. This guide covers how to measure your wall space, pick the right art sizes, and why nursery art is important for your child's growth. Find easy tips to make sure your nursery decor grows with your child.

Picking the perfect size wall art for your nursery can feel like a big, important puzzle, can't it? I remember when I was setting up my little one's nursery. The walls were bare, and I knew the right pictures or paintings would make it feel cozier, like a hug. But, oh boy, was I lost at first! I wanted something that felt just right – not too big that it would overwhelm the room and not too tiny that you'd have to squint to see it. It's like finding the perfect pair of shoes; it must fit just right.

Nursery Wall art Size guide

Baby Bunny Art Print   | Baby Raccoon Art Print  | Baby Animal Prints Size Temples

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about selecting the perfect size wall art for your nursery, from understanding the nuances of wall art sizing to practical tips for finding the ideal fit. So, let's dive in and unravel the mysteries of nursery wall art size together!


Why is Nursery Art Important for your child's development?


Art in early childhood education is like the secret ingredient in your grandma's favorite recipe; it improves everything. It's not just about making the room look beautiful (though that's a big plus!); it's about stirring those little imaginations, fostering a love for creativity, and planting the seeds for a lifelong appreciation of beauty. From my experience, art is a conversation starter and storyteller. I remember how my little one would gaze at the whimsical animals in the paintings we chose together, and we'd make up stories about their adventures. This interaction is crucial for early childhood development, nurturing cognitive skills, and emotional intelligence. Art opens doors to new worlds, encouraging children to express themselves and understand their feelings. Choosing the suitable artwork for a nursery sets the stage for countless stories, dreams, and learning moments. 


Choosing Nursery Wall Art: 7 Expert Tips to Perfectly Size & Style Your Space


1. Nursery Wall Space Assessment

Understanding the nursery space is like getting to know a new friend. You want to spend some time with it, see how it feels, and imagine the possibilities. When I began, I took a step back to assess the available wall space, keeping in mind how we might rearrange furniture over time. Speaking of which, the wall art size and nursery furniture placement seriously impact how nursery decor fits into the picture. A hefty crib under a tiny painting might make the artwork seem lost, while a large, bold piece above a small chair can feel overpoweringly grand. Creating a warm and inviting space is all about achieving perfect balance and harmony.nursery wall art size guide

yellow beetle car art print | Vintage Car Art Prints Size Temples Car Art Collections   

2. Selecting appropriate art size

Finding the right wall art size for your nursery wall art is about creating that 'just-right' feeling in your little one’s sanctuary. Start by taking a gentle stroll around the nursery, measuring tape in hand, and sizing up the furniture. The rule of thumb? The artwork should cover about two-thirds to three-quarters of your furniture piece's width, making the space feel harmonious and snug. For instance, if your changing table is 36 inches wide, aim for art that’s roughly 24 to 27 inches wide to create a balanced look. The art and furniture in the nursery create a visual harmony, telling a story.

For example, If your crib is 53 inches wide, the recommended width for artwork would be between 30 and 39 inches. This can be calculated by dividing the crib width by 57% and 75%.

53 × 0.57 = 30  and   53 × 0.75 = 39

Nursery Wall art size guide

polar bear art print | elephant art print | mouse art print | zebra art print | lamb art print | koala art print |  Baby Animal Prints Size Temples 

3. Pick a focal point

Identifying the perfect spots for artwork in your nursery starts with spotting those special focal points and the blank walls begging for a splash of creativity. Remember, it’s like setting the stage for your little one’s daily adventures. Imagining where my child’s eyes would naturally wander. Above the crib, beside the changing table, or that cozy reading nook we’d planned - those were my canvases. It felt like those walls were whispering their potential, excited to be part of our story. And remember, as your child grows, these pieces can move with them, evolving from imaginative tales to inspirations for their dreams.

Nursery Wall art size guide and golden rule

blue ford bronco art print | kermit the frog art print

4. The Golden Rule of Wall Art in the Nursery

As you prepare your home for your little one's arrival, it's crucial to consider the' eye level' rule for art. This principle ensures that what your baby sees is secure and serene, which is particularly important for newborns. Traditionally, the 'eye level' rule in art has been based on the average human eye level, around 57 inches from the ground. However, this 'eye level' is considerably lower for our youngest art enthusiasts.

When hanging your nursery artwork, a practical starting point is to use the nursery chair or changing table as a reference. Begin by hanging the central piece at your own eye level while standing, and then make adjustments from there by gently lowering your placements. This approach ensures that most of the nursery wall art is visible and engaging to your future art lovers, whether in their crib or enjoying tummy time on the playmat. nursery wall art size guide

vintage ambulance art print | yellow crane art print

5. Art Above Furniture Rule

Among interior design enthusiasts, there's a guideline that often goes overlooked – the Art Above Furniture Rule. It's a simple principle with a profound impact: furniture serves art, not the other way around. In the case of a nursery, this means rethinking the placement of art and the room's focal point. Instead of arbitrary wall hangings and mobiles above cribs and dressers, artwork should claim priority positioning. This gives depth to your design, enhances the room's atmosphere, and provides an aesthetic haven for newborns who, funnily enough, are often more captivated by artwork than we realize.

When hanging art above furniture like a changing table or dresser, ensure balance by keeping a 6 to 8-inch gap between the furniture's top and the artwork's bottom. This not only provides a visually pleasing arrangement but also prioritizes safety, especially when it comes to hanging art above a crib. Keeping the artwork about 8-12 inches from the crib top ensures a safe environment for your little one.


6. Deciding between gallery wall vs. statement peace


Choosing between a gallery wall and a single statement piece for our baby's nursery was an adventure in itself! I aimed for a cozy haven filled with wonder. Imagining a gallery wall as a treasure chest of memories sparked my creativity. For instance, a gallery wall could feature a mix of family photos, animal prints, and inspiring quotes, all arranged in a playful pattern. However, a statement piece had its allure. For example, a statement piece could be a large, colorful painting that serves as the room's focal point. Ultimately, it's about the magic we wish to create in this space. 

Nursery Wall art size guide

lamb art print | goat art print | carousel art print

Identify the focal point for your nursery room layout and plan your artwork arrangement thoughtfully. For a gallery wall, opt for smaller pieces that collectively fill the same space as a larger artwork. Segment your wall, choosing between a single large piece or multiple smaller ones. Consider the available space in your decision-making process. When calculating the total width, maintain a 2-4" gap between pieces and factor in these spaces. When choosing artwork, consider the nursery's color scheme to ensure a harmonious look. Also, consider the room's theme and select pieces that align. Lastly, prioritize safety by choosing artwork that is securely mounted and doesn't have any small, detachable parts.


7. Try Before You Buy

Imagine the joy of seeing your chosen art piece on the nursery wall even before buying it. Sketching the art's size on the wall allows you to visualize this exciting change. Unleash your creativity using masking tape or paper to outline the artwork's dimensions. This hands-on process will enable you to play with different sizes and shapes. Review the sketch from different angles and observe how it complements the room's decor. You can even keep the sketch up for a day to see how the lighting throughout the day affects your choice.

Experience the satisfaction of seeing your chosen artwork harmonize beautifully with the room's ambiance. This method confirms your selection for the nursery wall space, ensuring it perfectly complements the room's decor.

 nursery wall art size guide

Carousel art print

Other factors to consider when choosing wall art for nursery


1. Age-appropriate Wall Art

Speaking of growing up, your child's age plays a crucial role, too. For newborns, soothing colors and gentle shapes create a tranquil space, while vibrant and interactive pieces spark curiosity for toddlers. It's all about matching the art with their milestones, making sure it grows along with them, and fostering a love for creativity at every age.


2. Theme or Style of your Nursery Decor

Deciding on the theme or style for your nursery decor is all about setting the scene for your little one's first adventures. Whether you envision a fairy-tale forest, a safari journey, or a peaceful ocean trip, the art you pick creates the backdrop for these dreams. I opted for vibrant and cheerful colors in my nursery journey that sparked tales of imagination and wonder.


3. Personal Preferences and Aesthetics

Personal preferences and aesthetics play a huge role, too. It's about what resonates with you, what makes your heart sing. For me, it was all about bright, uplifting colors and playful motifs that sparked joy every time I stepped into the room. Visually stimulating and colorful art that can engage and captivate their developing eyesight. Nursery art selection can enhance their visual experience and create a vibrant environment to explore and enjoy. This choice is deeply personal, reflecting your unique taste and the dreams you hold for your child. 


4. Long-Term Versatility of the Artwork

And, oh, the long-term versatility of the artwork cannot be overstated. It's like choosing a companion for your child's growth, pieces that mature with them. A nursery mural might transform into a backdrop for their imaginative play, while animal prints become characters in their stories. Choosing versatile art means these pieces enrich your child's space, evolving in meaning and significance as they grow.


 Nursery Wall Art size guide

Standard Nursery Wall Art Sizes in Inches


Small Wall Art Sizes

Medium Wall Art Sizes

Large Wall Art Sizes

8″ x 10″

16″ x 16″

20″ x 28″

10″ x 10″

16″ x 20″

20″ x 30″

11″ x 14″

18″ x 24″

24" x 24"

12″ x 12″

20″ x 20″

24″ x 36″

12″ x 16″

20″ x 24″

36″ x 48″

13" x 19"

and up

Guide for choosing nursery wall art sizes based on furniture dimensions


Art size for 35changing station 20" - 26"

Art size for a crib 30" - 39" wide. 

Art size for twin bed   22" - 30” wide.

Art size for full bed  30" - 41” wide.


How to Safely Hang Art Above a Crib: Essential Tips for Secure Nursery


Choosing the safest way to hang art above a crib is about more than just protecting the artwork from potential damage. It's a delicate balance between safety and style, with a touch of parental pride. After all, art in a child's room is the first whisper of the stories and beauty we hope to fill their lives with.

To create a safe and stylish nursery wall, we must consider several important factors essential to the overall nursery visual harmony.


 1. Height and Reachability

Babies grow super fast, as any parent will tell you. What used to be a high-up spot for art just above the crib's edge quickly turns into a tempting place for those little, curious hands. So, the key is to hang the art up high to save yourself some peace later on. Ensure everything hung is well above the crib; out of reach, about 8-12 inches from the crib top, ensures safety while keeping the magic within sight. Gently move the crib away from the wall to ensure that it would fall behind the crib rather than towards it if the frame were to fall.


 2. Secure Mounting

Art is like a tale that needs a solid platform. The hardware you pick isn't just for looks; the behind-the-scenes champ supports the story. Safety hardware, like "T" screws and bracketsor even frameless options, all work to keep your art in place.


 3. Material Matters

The relationship between framed art and a baby's nursery is as delicate as glass. Start by selecting lightweight, secure frames. Consider using plexiglass – light and shatterproof. It's a subtle reminder that style and safety can harmonize perfectly. If you need advice on how to properly frame your art prints, please refer to our guide.


 4. Call in the Expert

For securely hanging art above a crib, ensuring the safety of your little one, it is recommended to enlist the expertise of a professional picture hanger. They can assess the weight of the artwork and the wall material and use appropriate hanging hardware to provide a secure and aesthetically pleasing display for your nursery.


 Nursery wall art size guide

green 1962 volkswagen bus art print | yellow ford bronco art print

Choosing the right art size for your baby's nursery might seem like a big task, but it's about making the space feel safe, happy, and ready for all the adventures you'll have together. Remember, the art you pick is more than just something pretty. It's the backdrop for the countless stories you'll tell, the giggles you'll share, and the dreams you'll dream in that room.

I've shared some tips and ideas here, hoping to make this task more accessible and fun. For instance, you could consider a colorful animal-themed mural your child can grow with or a series of framed prints featuring their favorite storybook characters. From picking art that grows with your kiddo to ensuring everything is safe and secure on the walls, it's all about creating that perfect spot for your little one.

And if you're feeling unsure or just want things to be extra perfect, there's no shame in asking for a bit of help from a professional picture hanger. They can ensure that your art is hung at the right height, securely fastened, and in a way that complements the room's overall design. After all, we want those walls to be just as ready for your new adventure as you are!

Happy decorating!

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