3. What color mat to use for art?

Choosing the right mat color is crucial when framing artwork. Consider factors such as complementing or contrasting the colors in the artwork, matching the mat color to the style and theme of the artwork, and reflecting your personal taste and preference. Experiment with different combinations to find the perfect match for your artwork and frame.


4. When should you use float matting?

Float matting is a technique where the artwork is mounted on top of the mat, creating a stunning "floating" effect within the frame. It's an excellent choice for contemporary artwork, three-dimensional or textured pieces, large-scale artwork, or any artwork that requires a unique presentation style. Float matting adds sophistication and visual interest to the framing design, allowing the artwork to shine and take center stage within the frame.


5. Techniques for Proper Mounting and Securing Artwork

When it comes to mounting, meticulousness is king:

  • Hinging: Using photo corners or archival tape to hinge the artwork to the backboard.
  • The Adhesive Issue: Only employ adhesives that are acid-free and reversible to avoid damage to your art.

 art work framed and matted and why is important

Custom Framing vs. DIY Framing

The age-old question - go pro with a framer or DIY it? Both have their perks, so let's break down when to lean one way.

1. Custom Framing Services

Custom framers bring expertise and a vast array of materials to the table but come at a premium price.

2. Tips for DIY Framing Projects

For the brave DIY-er, here are some pro tips to achieve a polished result:

  • Invest in Quality Tools and Materials: This is not the time for penny-saving. The integrity of your art depends on it.
  • Take it Slow: Rushed framing jobs are the leading cause of errors and, worse still, damaged art.
  • Precision Matters: Measure and remeasure. Cut and recut. Art does not take kindly to untidy craftsmanship.

3. Professional Framing: The When and Why

Not every art piece requires the services of a professional, but there are tell-tale moments when it’s worth considering:

  • Rare, Historical, or High-Value Artwork: The risk is invariably higher with these pieces, and the precision of professional framing is often warranted.
  • Unusual or Large-Scale Pieces: Unconventional pieces often require unconventional solutions. A framer's expertise might be irreplaceable.

 custom framing workstation